Here is step by step on how our order process works.

1. Please discuss with us directly directly regards to which item(s) you would like to order OR go through our gallery and choose which item(s) you wish to order.

2. Once this has been confirmed or you have chosen, place your order via our price selection. EXAMPLE if one of your items are £85 and another is £110 you would select the £85 tab from the CUSTOM ORDER: £10 - £100 section an then you would select the £110 tab from the CUSTOMER ORDER: £105 - £200. 

3. Once you have completed step 2 please note in the comment section at checkout which item(s) you want to order along with the size, if applicable. 

4. Once you have checked out you will get a confirmation email. 

5. Once your item(s) have been shipped you will receive your tracking information.